“When it was just a game.”

When you’re purchasing a new glove for your young baseball player you want something durable but also flexible. Durable enough to withstand not only the play but also the wear and tear your young ballplayer puts their equipment through. A flexible glove helps younger kids with smaller hands close the glove. Shoeless Joe Gloves are quick and easy to break-in, great for young ballplayers to get out and make plays as quickly as possible.

Nothing fosters a child’s love for the game like success in practice and during games. A glove that doesn’t fit or doesn’t perform as expected can kill that love and confidence. We saw far too many youth ballplayers whose careers ended early due to improper equipment. Like the boy whose glove was too stiff and hard to break-in. After a season of hurting hands, missed catches and dropped pop flies, the boy was so discouraged that he never embraced the game. His first season became his last. But how would that child have done if the glove he wore was flexible he saw success in practice and on the field during games. Our gloves are made with 100% leather (not synthetics) this makes them durable enough to last for years – but soft enough to enable the child to easily close it, trapping the ball effectively in the pocket.

We’ve got an excellent ball glove size chart recommendation and are happy to chat with you about which size of glove your ballplayer needs. It’s so important to get your young baseball player started the right way – and no better place to do that than at HandmadeBallGloves.com.

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